A Family For Christmas by Jay Northcote: Mini Review
Office sweetie Rudy takes quiet new guy Zac home for Christmas where, yep, you guessed it, everyone thinks they're dating and hand wavy circumstances force them to fake a relationship and share a bed. Which is all fine. Tropes are great and exist because we love them, right? And the premise to this story is sweet and frothy and exactly what I was in the mood for. For the most part, the story delivers on it's promise. The main characters are likeable, Rudy's family is charming and there's an adorable kitten. I will say that the dialogue occasionally suffers from a bit of a disconnect to the tone of the story, I found it a bit graphic for the set up and that took me out of the story more often than not. All in all though, this was a quick and frothy little read that was just right for the holidays. Three and a half stars.